About the LimpetReader™

The LimpetReader™ fits to practically any meter – no expensive new metering or supply interruption so no more excuses to get better data now.

Very simply, it takes an image of your actual meter register which is then transferred to a secure database where the data (date/time stamped image and data value etc) can be accessed and reported/exported.

No More Estimated Bills

There is no pulsed meter output required, and no reliance on it - so no more worries about pulse drift. No more estimated bills.

Converts Image to a Data Value

The LimpetReader™ produces an image of the actual meter reading and converts it to a data value – so no need for anymore estimated bills. Any quibbles are quickly resolved with reference to an actual date and time stamped image of the actual meter register.

Linked to our AutoReader

It can be linked to our AutoReader to provide truly automated readings. Water retailers take note: The LimpetReader™ is classified as a manual read for regulatory purposes.

Health and Safety Benefits

Health and safety benefits due to easy walk-by or auto reading solutions. The solutions including access to the secure database are all available.

Say Goodbye to Meter Reading Issues

No more lifting of manhole covers and struggling to read difficult to access meters. Our most cost-effective meter reading solution which is accessed securely on-line.

We are meter reading solution providers. Please contact us to discuss your particular requirements – we are confident our experienced expert team will be able to assist.

Deer Technology’s range of unique, meter reading and automatic data retrieval products are based around our core-sensing product the LimpetReader™and its accompanying data collection solutions.

Let us improve your meter readings!

To learn how DeerR Technology’s products and solutions can enhance your resource management, sustainability agenda and improve cash flow, please contact us on 01639 363146 or via email hello@deertechnology.com.